Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Great Divide

Just as I'm starting to embrace being a SAHM, it happened. One of my best friends, a mom who works outside of the house, pretty much implied that my life as a SAHM is one big vacation. Ouch!

Maybe it hurts more because it was a good friend who should know better or maybe it is because deep down I still feel conflicted about staying at home full-time? I know I should just brush it off because this will not be the last time somebody makes a comment about my parenting choices. It's amazing how becoming a parent can really test your relationships with friends that are also parents. I'm not going to lie, I judge some decisions that people make, but I like to believe that I have more tact than to say something about my judgemental thoughts (I'm working on banishing the judging internally as well).

I miss my old relationships with my friends when we didn't care what each other did for a living. I never got flack for choosing to go into Forensic Psychology, so why do people feel the need to make disparaging remarks about my job as a full time mom? Why do I care so much what others think? Maybe that is the real question here.

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