Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Gym Daycare Dilemma

Sure, this week was the first week of dropping off Elliott at the gym daycare, but it just wasn't sitting right with me. I even posted on message boards and felt temporarily reassured when people would put things in perspective and tell me that it's only one hour out of the day, so I should just enjoy my workout and not worry about the childcare being less than stellar.

I kind of believed them and quieted my inner mommy instinct. Then I went to visit Lifetime Fitness today and knew that my instinct was right. Even if it's just a couple hours a week, my son deserved to be in an environment that made him feel welcome and cared for, not just plopped in front of a tv as an afterthought. Ugh, the thought of that makes me cringe now.

Here are some things that I did not like about the first gym, maybe some people can relate?
  • The whole childcare room is a complete afterthought. There are toys and there are two sitters, but it just feels like a room to put your kid while you workout with the added bonus of two adults on hand.
  • They only allow one hour to workout. Which part of the one hour classes that you offer should I skip? The warmup or the cooldown?
  • You need to make an appointment for infants under 1 and not walking. That's fair. Then why do I feel like he is not getting any individual attention and is instead put in a ball pit, exersaucer, in front of a video or walked around in his stroller while you read a magazine?
  • I have been in the childcare room 3-4 times now and I have never seen any of the women actually playing with the kids. You only work a 4 hour shift in the morning, maybe show a little interest in kids? Hmm?
  • Once fall rolls around one of the childcare rooms will be right off the main entrance to the community center. This just feels wrong to me on so many levels.

Now onto the positive side of things. What I like about Lifetime Fitness after just one day:

  • Separate infant space so the bigger kids don't hit or trample the little ones. They do this for dog parks, it's nice to see the same consideration being given to children.
  • Individual cubbies for baby's diaper bag and a board for notes for the caregivers and from the caregivers about naps, bottles, time crying, etc.
  • Wow, people looking like they enjoy being around kids and playing with them!
  • Two hours of childcare per day included in the $6/mo. fee for the child. Where can you find childcare at such an affordable price and in such a great facility?
  • Real security measures, you have to be buzzed out of the room so you don't just take off with a kid or a kid doesn't just wander off.

There is a lot more, but my first impression was that a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I can take care of myself while knowing that Elliott is being well cared for as well. Win, win!

Here is an article with a checklist of things to look for in a gym daycare. I wholeheartedly agree with her points and wish I read it before leaving Elliott somewhere I didn't feel 100% about. I really need to get over second-guessing myself with this whole mothering thing!

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