Wednesday, December 30, 2009

False Start!

Damn "On Demand" version of the 30 Day Shred expired and they only have Level 2. I went to the gym and did 30 min. of cardio, but now it looks like I need to head out and get the DVD. Probably a good thing so I can do the workout anywhere in the house and not just downstairs where the cable box is.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

30 Day Shred: Day 1, Level 1

I need to get myself a set of 3 pound weights instead of the 5 pound weights, pronto! Actually I found that I was cool with the 5 pound weights until we got to the shoulder raises. The first workout was rough after the first round of cardio and my calves hurt from the "jump rope" exercise, but I felt strong by the end.

Then I tried to lift a pot of chili out of our fridge and I realized I got a better workout than I thought. We'll see how I feel tomorrow for Day 2!

I also need to take a "Before" pic, but for now I just have my measurements. Please note that I am beyond bloated from Christmas face stuffing, so the measurements are a little inflated (so to speak!).

My beginning measurements-all done on my right side:
  • Arm: 13 inches
  • Upper thigh at biggest point: 25 inches
  • Calf: 15 1/2 inches
  • Upper waist: 33 inches
  • Waist at belly button: 35 inches
  • Hips at widest point: 41 inches
  • Bust: 40 inches (but I'm still breastfeeding)
  • Bra line: 34 inches (actually surprised by this)

On top of doing Day 1 I ran a mile on the treadmill at the gym. I haven't run or worked out since the Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving, so I didn't want to kill myself and it was a super easy run.

Monday, December 28, 2009

My extended holiday is over

Time to get back into the groove of blogging, watching what I eat and all that fun stuff! I stepped on the scale last night, but I'm not even going to report that weight b/c I'm hoping most of it is water weight from splurging since the 23rd. Still doing Weight Watchers, but have definitely hit a mental plateau with the program. As of last week I was down to 166.6, for a total of 19.8 pounds lost in 10 weeks. I just have to remember that it's a journey and not a race.

George & I are going on a trip to Mexico in less than a month, so I need to step up my game. I'm going to start doing the 30 Day Shred tonight since I have heard good things about it and the amount of time required is right up my alley since Elliott only naps for 30 mins on average. I plan on getting to the gym about three times on top of that and tracking my points again.

Tonight I will brave the camera and take some "Before" pics and measurements.